UNITED FOR PEACE FILM FESTIVAL (UFPFF) is a film festival for young people such as students. UFPFF is organized near September 21st each year, the International Day of Peace, to call for a peaceful world, without war or conflict. The festival aims to encourage action towards creating a peaceful world through the use of media images; a universal language shared by all.
All the past films are onUFPFF YouTube channel
Special Advisor & Founder:
Hideo Okubo (Exective Chairman of Forval Corporation, Chairman of the CIESF Foundation)
Representative Director & Founder:
Kenji Sekine (President of UNITED PEOPLE)
Katsuzo Takahashi (Asian International Youth Film Festival Japan Representative)
Hiroki Sugiura (Representative Director of Yokohama Community Design Lab)
Junya Ishikawa (President of Dream Design, Co-representative Director of Tasukeai Japan)
Taii Kin(Music Composer, Filmmaker)
Motonori Sato (Professor at Keio University)
Yukari Tatsumura(Film Producer of GAIA SYMPHONY)
Tetra Tanizaki (Writer(radio,TV), Professor at Kyoto University of Art & Design)
Tomoyo Nonaka (Representative Director of Gaia Initiative)
Tomio Yanagisawa (CEO of Round Table Com, Inc)
Chiaki Yokoyama (Professor at Keio University)
General Incorporation Foundation, UNITED FOR PEACE FILM FESTIVAL
Established May 2nd, 2011
491-1 Nijo Hamakubo Itoshima Fukuoka Japan